Key transversal skills for a CV

Standing out in the world of work is never easy. When you apply for a job, a large number of applicants do the same, and resumes may appear more appealing than others. But there are a few tips you should know to successfully stand out. Making a list of your transversal skills is one.

Definition and examples of transversal skills

Everyone has transversal skills, even if he does not recognize them as such.
These are skills that have been acquired in a setting but can be used in many types of trades. There are several types of transversal skills. Think of them as skills that can work in many industries. Mention them in your CV, because you have acquired them throughout your professional career.

Some examples of key transversal skills

The list of transversal skills can never be complete, for there are many of them. We have grouped five distinct categories here, which are useful in most cases:


This is the most important of all. Communication is crucial in all situations, at work – communicating an idea – or with a colleague – in a conversation. Communication is a two-way street: it is about self-expression and listening to others.

Analytical skills

Now, problem-solving skills are part of a larger set of analytical skills. Of all cross-curricular skills, employers generally value analytical skills the most. It’s even hard to find a job offer that doesn’t need it. Why? Because the people who think analytically and help solve problems are exactly the ones who help businesses thrive.


You don’t have to be a manager to have management skills. Management skills effectively cover a wide range: from project management to people management, including time management and action planning. Use this valuable transversal skill to your advantage.

Computer and technical skills

We live in a world where technological competence is essential. Even when your work is not focused on her, you need to have basic technical skills. They are relevant for most positions. These technical and computer skills are easily transferred from one job to another, and the more you can do it, the more attractive you come across.


Without a doubt the most difficult category to master. Leadership is about being a source of inspiration for employees. It requires having a strong set of relationship skills. Leaders motivate and are role models. They are excellent communicators and their general skills are second to none. People follow true leaders, not because of their seniority, but because they think it is the right thing to do. They are the ones who help develop the working capacities of all those around them.

Why transversal skills are important?

Transversal skills are necessary for several reasons. Here is a summary.

They prove that you are flexible

This is relevant for you and your employers. If you know your strengths and skills, you will never be afraid of losing or changing jobs. With your cross-functional skills, you can be successful in many different roles and situations. Besides, employers will always appreciate employees whose potential exceeds their core skills.

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They increase your employability

As a flexible and adaptable candidate, you can get a competitive advantage over the more experienced. If you are inexperienced but learn quickly, have a positive attitude, and have a wide range of transversal skills to offer, the employer may consider you before others.

What you need to know

Here’s all you need to know about transferable skills: transferable skills can work across multiple trades. You can, in fact, transfer them from one job to another. Many transferable skills can develop over the course of your career, in changing personal and professional contexts. The best transversal skills are those that are relevant to the job offer in question. Identify them, choose the ones the employer is looking for, and include them in your CV.

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