How to highlight your summer jobs in your CV?

Odd summer jobs provide some income for students. This can meet significant needs, such as financing their studies. However, it’s not about finishing your job and turning the page, but profiting from it by showcasing it in your own Curriculum Vitae. The objective is to…

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Key transversal skills for a CV

Standing out in the world of work is never easy. When you apply for a job, a large number of applicants do the same, and resumes may appear more appealing than others. But there are a few tips you should know to successfully stand out.…

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Reinforce your CV with a personal summary

You probably have a pretty good idea of ​​how to make a resume. Your work history, education, and qualifications are relatively easy to pull together, as all you need to do is look at the dates, fill in your previous jobs, and what you’ve accomplished…

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Catchphrases for a cover letter

As part of an application for a job offer, you will have to write two key documents: a CV and a cover letter. These two essential documents are expected by recruiters to study your profile. Candidates sometimes tend to neglect their cover letter. However, this…

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Prepare for a job interview in English

If you are interested in an overseas advertisement or a position in an international company, your job interview will likely end. takes place in English. For a French speaker, this first contact in a foreign language can seem intimidating. It is therefore essential to prepare…

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How to prepare for a job interview

Congratulations, you have just landed the first interview! If you’ve made it this far, you’ve probably managed to convince the recruiter with a well-written curriculum and cover letter. Now that a professional has contacted you and wants to meet you to get to know you…

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Technical skills to indicate on your CV

Employers often select candidates based on their technical skills, so job seekers in tech, for example, naturally want to make sure that ‘they present their skills correctly. But creating a “skills” section in a CV can be a real challenge. Sometimes a simple list is…

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