How to highlight your summer jobs in your CV?

Odd summer jobs provide some income for students. This can meet significant needs, such as financing their studies. However, it’s not about finishing your job and turning the page, but profiting from it by showcasing it in your own Curriculum Vitae. The objective is to stand out from other candidates for a vacant position, especially when it comes to a profile without professional experience.

jobs d’été dans son CV

Interest in mentioning your summer jobs in your CV

Headhunters do appreciate the CVs of graduates who have gone on to summer jobs because they are proof of responsibility and resourcefulness. Indeed, when obtaining diplomas and looking for a first job, the academic course and the internships carried out may not be sufficient to demonstrate the professionalism acquired by the candidate so that he can occupy the position concerned. For that, it is preferable to have carried out summer jobs to put them forward when writing his CV to show that he has already set foot in a structure and therefore knows how to comply with codes and rules. of the corporate world.

Besides, trying to choose your summer job according to your future professional goals is perfect. The example is given by a student who wants to start a professional career in the travel and tourism sector and who is now doing odd summer jobs as a tourist guide.

Without the perfect choice, any experience is good to learn. Therefore, even if the missions entrusted to you do not correspond to your academic background and the position envisaged, you are required to mention them to make a difference. What matters is how to pull out the skills in a CV and the know-how you have acquired in those odd jobs. Besides, recruiters approve of transversal skills which can be transposed anywhere in the world of work.

Skills and qualifications resulting from summer jobs

Skills learned

Let us take the example of a young person who had the opportunity to string together several seasonal jobs in animation. He can highlight his achievements, such as public speaking, team spirit, organizational skills, the ability to unite, dynamism, to name a few. Another example, if a graduate has worked as a youth supervisor in a seaside resort, this indicates development in terms of his ability to assume his supervisory responsibilities and can therefore be used for a management position. Finally, even a job as a waiter in a cafe can be important to mention. This proves that he has developed skills in communication and behavior with clients.

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Qualifications obtained

Furthermore, the summer worker must also highlight the qualifications he has obtained, if any, for the exercise of seasonal activity. The diplomas such as the BAFA (Brevet d’aptitude aux functions de animateur) or the BSB (Brevet de surveillance de bain), testify to his investment in obtaining a summer job.

Promote your professional career through summer jobs

For headhunters, odd seasonal jobs are generally more valued than internships in companies. And for good reason, workers are more engaged and more solicited by their leaders. This is all the more true when we notice recently a high tendency of recruiters towards profiles who have an effective job rather than towards interns. So, it is wise to put your summer jobs in the professional experience section, along with their duration and the tasks to be performed.

Finally, after having gone through more substantial experiences, you can transfer these summer experiences and the related diplomas to an auxiliary heading, such as “various” or “passion”.

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